Coeliac Awareness Week: My Diagnosis Story

Coeliac Awareness Week

Today marks the start of Coeliac Awareness Week 2019 and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity for me to talk a bit more about how I was diagnosed.

Alongside my diagnosis story I’ve also listed some resources I found extremely helpful at the beginning of my gluten free journey, as well as my favourite products and my travel diaries series. If you have recently been diagnosed or are in the process of being diagnosed, please comment below and we can have a chat about all things gluten free! I promise this change of lifestyle is not the end of the world and you will slowly get used to it all!

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Life Update: I Won an Award!

What a week I’ve had! Yesterday I made it to a quarter of a century and turned 25. Rest assured, I still look 16 and I’m forever being asked when I’m leaving school, so I think it’ll be a while before I worry about looking my age! Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday, I spent the day watching Disney and eating Daim chocolate cake, which to me is a birthday well spent!

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