Almond Butter Stuffed Dates

It’s snack time in the Oat So Delicious household this week, mainly due to an abundance of Perkier snacks from last weeks event in London!, However, I’m now a little bit obsessed with these delicious almond butter stuffed dates…

I feel like snacks get a bad rep sometimes. We’re told to eat hearty, filling meals so we don’t feel the need to snack in-between courses. However, I don’t remember the last time I lasted from lunch to dinner without a little nibble of something in-between!

These almond butter stuffed dates are the ultimate ‘healthy’ sweet treat. I use the word healthy lightly as these may be nutritious, but they are definitely not low calorie. In fact, they are so much better than an empty-calorie snack, which will have you looking for your next food source within 5 mins!

Almond Butter Stuffed Dates

These have all the vital components for a balanced, nutritious snack – whilst also being seriously delicious!

Dates – although high in unrefined sugar, these naturally sweet treats are packed with fibre and potassium, making them the perfect sweet substitute (in moderation).

Almond Butter – made from 100% roasted almonds, it’s always best to make your own almond butter so you know exactly what ingredients have gone into it (in this case only 1 ingredient!) Almond butter is full of healthy fats, protein and minerals. The perfect combination for a healthy, balanced diet.

Dark Chocolate – sometimes given a bad rep, chocolate CAN be good for you in moderation. A few squares of quality dark choc with a high cocoa content (70%+) is all you need to subdue all your cravings. Research has proven that dark chocolate is a powerful source of antioxidants, can lower blood pressure and may reduce the risk of heart disease – pass me the chocolate!

Almond Butter Stuffed Dates


8 medjool dates, de-stoned
75g dark chocolate (70%)
8 tsp almond butter (or any other nut butter)
Dried raspberries, shredded coconut & crushed pistachios for decoration


  1. Start by cutting down one side of your date and opening both sides out so they create a pocket.
  2. Spoon 1 tsp almond butter into the pocket – use more or less nut butter depending on the size of the date. Repeat and set aside.
  3. Next, melt the dark chocolate over a bain-marie until silky smooth.
  4. Dip the dates into the melted chocolate, then sprinkle over your chosen decoration. Repeat for each date.
  5. Happy snacking!

Sophie x

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